Sex a sin?

Elsewhere on the Internet, on a topic irrelevant right now, I find this sentence:

He was utterly interested in sex, partly for the usual reasons, strengthened by a religious upbringing telling him sex was a sin, ….

And while researching this little article, I find this:

….web sites purporting to advocate … matrimony over the various other alternatives. The trouble is, most of these web sites are heavily slanted towards Christianity…
It seems clear that the purpose behind many of these sites is to prevent people from having sex, from “sinning”.

Yeah, yeah, the old story. The church is, once again, the big villain. But the Christian view is, unlike many believe, NOT that “sex is a sin.” The Christian view is that sex is a very beautiful and special thing designed to keep for someone special in marriage. And, interestingly enough, people who live by that idea, and keep sex for marriage, have happier sex lives and happier marriages, according to statisticians. They and their children are also a lot less likely to be a drain on state welfare agencies (and thus tax payers).

About Retha Faurie

Attempting to question everything, reject the bad and hold fast to the good.
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2 Responses to Sex a sin?

  1. Powelly says:

    I have nothing to say on the content of your blogs, I only suggest that you support your arguments with legitimate sources. Just saying something is true “according to statisticians” means nothing unless you reference the exact study from which you got that information.


  2. mannemanu says:

    Yeah! Would be great to have some statistics on this subject!


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